Friday, February 8, 2013

The Epiphany OnE Puck Cup Stand Smartphone Charger

Well, a contemporary sort of smartphone charger has ongoing it expedition over on the Kickstarter webpage current month, which has been formulated to authorize users to charger their cell phones via the heat or cold from drinks. 
This Epiphany OnE Puck is a twofold sided charger that permits you to utilize whichever the heat from your coffee cup of the cold from your iced tea to charge your mobile machines.

“The potential for the Epiphany onE Puck are continual. You only live once, and there is merely too much to observe and do. Who desires to be perturbed with disquieting about discover that hidden channel, plugging in your cord, and recharging? Don’t allow your phone battery choose where life will presume you next. Leave the power to the Epiphany onE Puck.”

Considerably, this Epiphany OnE Puck project is at present over on the Kickstarter webpage seem to be raise sufficient pledges to make the jump from perception to creation. Consequently if you assume Epiphany OnE Puck is incredible you could gain from, visit the Kickstarter site now to make a pledge in order to assist Epiphany OnE Puck develop into a reality.


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